
Club Night Report 19th February 2025

'My Photographic Journey' by Huw Thomas ...
Last night Club member and Competition Secretary Huw gave us an informative and interesting talk about his 'Photographic Journey'. In true 'Huw style', it was illustrated with images from many famous and renowned photographers from over the years. Not only did he chart his own journey, but also the way that photography had developed,- cameras, genres and styles. It was also illustrated with Huw's images that illustrated how his photography and interests had developed.

He talked about the various courses he had been on that had helped him in this journey of discovery, trying to find out what made an image 'a good photograph, something we'd all like to know!!

There was lots of audience participation (often me butting in!!) and discussion. Huw also brought along some of his vast collection of books on photography and photographers that had helped him to develop his own style and preferences. These attracted much interest at 'half time'. Thank you Huw - a very interesting and entertaining talk, it must have taken ages to put it all together to form such a well constructed presentation.

As most of you are aware, Huw is standing down as Competition Secretary, due to his other commitments, so we need to find a way of replacing him. We have been searching for a solution but no one has offered help so far. Unless we can find a way forward, there will be no more competitions at WDCC. Many people find competitions an important and helpful part of the Club's programme.

There have been several suggestions on how to make the role less onerous, the committee will be looking at this at our meeting next week. The possibility of splitting the role into several parts, so that each role is less time consuming seems to be a popular suggestion, but still no one has put their name forward to help out. If you feel you could offer some help, however much or little, please do email me or talk to one of the committee. If no one comes forward, the result will be no more competitions - in their current form.

Or let me know if you have any other suggestions/ideas.

Next week is the February Competition - Complementary Colours and the usual Open, our judge for the night is Peter Hyett. I think it will be very interesting to see how members have interpreted the subject of Complementary Colours!!