
EGM Notice

to be held on15th January 2025
At the Social evening on December 18 2024, Diane Rowe was voted in as Chairman of Wellington and District Camera Club following the resignation of Peter Tickner. It has come to the attention of the Committee that although everyone was in favour of Diane taking on the role, the vote was not carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Wellington and District Camera Club, which states that election of officers can only take place at an AGM or EGM. If the latter, members must be given 14 days notice of such a meeting being called.

To this effect, this is to notify all members that there will be a (very) short EGM before the start of the meeting on January 15th 2025.

This is only to repeat the election of the new Chairman, and is just to make sure that we conduct Club business in a constitutional manner. If any changes need to be made to the constitution, this will be put to the club at the next AGM to be held in April.