
Club Night Report 6th November 2024

More Than Meets The Eye by Andy Phillips
Last night we had a talk from Andy Phillips, who replaced the planned speaker at short notice. In his talk More than meets the eye he talked about how to get as much as possible from an image that we have taken, and talked about ways of processing the RAW image in 'post' (after having taken the image). and that there is more than meets the eye within any image. It was good to see many images processed from RAW to the final image and I'm sure we all gained some useful tips! He is not a member of the 'Get it Right in Camera' school of thought but more the 'Make it what you want in Post Processing' School, - me too!!

It was good to welcome visitors from Tiverton and, the now defunct, Dulverton Club.

Next week is a Club Night at the Rugby Club - with Nick Farnham talking about and showing images from his Sri Lankan Adventure' and Peter Elliston showing images and talking about his (and possibly others') recent studio shoots.

Next Wednesday 13 November is the final send in/hand in for November competitions ‘Fete, festival or local event’ and Open (PDI).Judge: Ian Bateman FRPS, local being Devon or Somerset. Instructions for hand in and image preparation are on the website except now it can only be 3 images per person, numbered accordingly due to the current high number of entrants.
Images should be emailed to or handed in on a memory stick by next Wednesday.

WCPF Inter Club Championship Also please do send in your best images or ones that have done well in competitions in the last 2 years to Nick in 2 separate emails as per my email of last week. We hope to be entering both prints and dpis and need images in all of the categories in both, Nature, open and colour. If you have any questions do ask me or Nick and send emails to - as soon as possible. Nick has asked images should be sent to him by 20th November but if you are thinking or entering images that you have entered in the competition and would like to wait until you have heard our judge's comments/suggestions, Nick would accept these images a couple of days later. This would give you a chance to re-edit if necessary.