
Club Night Report 16th October 2024

Mission Penguin by Ursula Clare Franklin
Last night was all about penguins - and I'm sure we all learnt something but more than that we were entertained and informed by a speaker who was so passionate about the different species of penguin that she enthralled us all.

Ursula Clare Franklin spoke to us about 'Mission Penguin', her mission to see and photograph every species of penguin (there are 18) in their natural habitat. This entailed numerous expeditions to the furthest reaches of the southern hemisphere. She travelled in expedition ships , then transferring to 'Zodiacs' for the photography.

She recounted the challenges and difficulties that arose - including a world wide pandemic that interrupted her quest! However the Mission was successfully completed a couple of years ago (I'm not sure when) and she has since written a book about the mission which is being published next week - it looked great.

It was a really enjoyable talk, well illustrated with loads of images of these engaging creatures. Judging by the comments I heard after the talk, it was enjoyed by everyone and was certainly something a bit different.

See Ursula Clare Franklin for more detail.