
Club Night Report 9th October 2024

Photo Challenge #1: Nostalgia.organised by Sarah and Gail.
It was a very successful night with many members sharing their photographic memories! Please forgive my ramblings.... I didn't take notes and clearly should have done - I forgot I offered to do the write up whilst Polly was away .... oops

Peter T kicked things off (surprisingly) with a couple of trains and memories of an Indian trip.
Daphne shared her wonderful safari pictures, Ted "George Fornby" Strawson shared a very interesting collection of windows, a collection he has been working on for some time. Many photographers choose to work on a number of projects like this over a career. You can work on several collections at once, they are a great way to develop a personal style, and it's nice to go out with the camera with a specific subject in mind to photograph. We all should have an ongoing project or two!

Sarah shared lovely images of her childhood memories of Cleavdon and Portishead, Mike showed us snowy and flooded culmstock, and campervan holidays which triggered many memories for the rest of us. Diane then showed us great images of fungi - its amazing the range that can be seen locally.

In the break Ron showed us some lovely portraits and picture from his past.
Afterwards Nick showed a selection of images from his travels and Martin shared his picture of the puffins of Skommer and reminisced of his regular trips there.
Ovi showed us some lovely images from his past and this highlighted how he has developed as a photographer. I remember he showed a lovely picture of two people on horseback where he used the light and motion blur to really convey the mood - in the style of Ernst Haas.

We finished off with a fine set of Nostalgic images from Peter E, read by myself from Peter's script.

I must have forgotten someone - please accept my sincerest apologies!
It was a fantastic evening!