
Club Night Report 11th September 2024

How curiosity Became A Hobby by Barry Dickinson.
Last night was a bit of fun!! We welcomed Barry Dickinson to the club for a face to face talk - and we haven't had many of those in past 4 years!

Barry entertained us by showing some of his and his wife's successful images. They are mainly composited, obviously very skilfully crafted. He talked about what made a successful image and talked about his version of what ISO stood for - impact - story and output. He stressed how important it was, that as well as the images having impact, the story of every image should be clear and that every image should be presented as well as possible (output). Their images are amazing composites! He also told us how and where he took the individual elements that go into every image that they produce and they obviously produce loads of images to present to salons and exhibitions all over the world. He talked about producing an image a day!!

Their portfolios on their website is well worth a look


In the second half we all became PGAB judges and looked at a selection of images and judged them along the PAGB lines, Barry then discussed each image and whether he agreed with what we had said.

He also stressed the importance and benefit of getting others to look at and critique our work.

It was a lively, and informative talk with lots of audience participation in the second half. Barry did not ask for a fee for his talk, but instead has asked that we donate his fee to a 'Cancer Charity'. I will supply details when our Treasurer return from his 'Coast to Coast' of Britain Walk!!

Talking about critiquing images, the Club's critique group is now full!! Thanks to the new members who have joined it, we look forward to some lively discussion!

We still desperately need another volunteer or two to help with the tea making on a rota basis, it isn't too time consuming and would probably be one evening every 6-8 weeks. If we don't get another volunteer, it might mean that we are unable to provide refreshments on the occasional evening.