
Show And Tell Report

Meeting report from Club Secretary Polly.
Last night was the first meeting proper of WDCC, it was lovely to see so many people, many existing members and lots of new faces who were joining us for the first time - Welcome to you all.

It was a record night for a 'Show and Tell', with 16 members showing us what they've been up to (photographically!!) over the summer and some of the new members showed us a bit about their photographic 'journey'. It's a great way of getting to know people and was really interesting, we saw such a diverse range of images - including abstract sand dune patterns, dogs jumping, swans and baby swans, dancers, landscapes from UK, Spain and France, light painting, some amazing macros, Tone Dale Mill, historical re-enactments, animals in their native surroundings etc. Sarah has asked me to thank everyone who contributed and helped to make the evening such a success.

Next Week's meeting
Next week we are again at the Rugby Club (this is a change from the original listing which was for a zoom talk), for an in person talk from Barry Dickinson - How curiosity became a hobby - photographs of people and wildlife. Barry offered to do a face to face as he is in the area, we haven't had many of those in the past 4 or 5 years!!

September Competition
Next week is also the final hand in date for the September Competition - Themed - An image depicting a book title, poetic or literary quote, and of course the Open section, the judge is Andy Francis. This is a DPI competition (projected digital image), full instructions re naming and submitting images etc are on the club's website - Competition Themes & Rules

Images should be submitted by close of play next Wednesday 11 September 24, by email to -

Huw has also made a once only offer that he will accept images, correctly titled on a memory stick, to be submitted to him on the same date 11 September. If you need any help with submitting images, renaming etc, Huw will be happy to help on the same email.

Requests from Sarah - Programme Secretary
Sarah told us that she has started on the programme for next season (2025-26). If anyone has any suggestions, requests or ideas for a talk, subject or speaker, please email Sarah.

Sarah asked if anyone would like to / could do a talk/presentation one evening or half of evening on a subject of their choosing, again, please contact her.