
Peter Warne: 'Close Up and Macro'


Good Morning Everyone

Last night we welcomed Peter Warne to talk to us. He attracted one of the highest number of attendees. It was a great talk on macro photography. He is obviously an accomplished and relaxed speaker who showed us some of his great macro - mainly insect - images. He also talked at length and explained clearly the different equipment that helped in the taking of macro images. It was a fairly 'techy' talk in places (and I'm not a techy person!!) but he explained the equipment and processes clearly and I'm sure everyone will have got something out of the talk. Towards the end of the talk, he showed some more 'arty' images and other ways in which macro photography can be used, showing images taken by other photographers as well as his own.

Sadly we are coming to the end of the season for WDCC!! Next week is the final competition of the season - Movement and Open. I'm looking forward to some great 'action' shots in the movement section.

The following week is the AGM and there will then be time for a bit of social time afterwards, we get so little time to chat and get to know each other. Next week there will be a sheet for members to propose and second committee members. Please could you keep an eye out for this and fill in the spaces if you want to nominate or second committee members. I have made it clear to the committee that I will be happy to stand for another year but will be retiring from the committee and as secretary in 12 months time.

WDCC has secured a stand at the forthcoming Spring Fair at Wellington Park on May 5th in order to promote the Club. We will be displaying some images which we want to be of great impact and interest, and are hoping to use the entries to the competition. If you would be happy for us to use your images, it would be so helpful if you could leave them in our care after the competition. We will keep them safe until they can be returned to you. Your help would be really appreciated.

We would also love it if you could bring in some small prints, not bigger than say A5, as 'fill ins' to the display - any subject. These small prints show that photography can be accessible to all! Bring them in next week or to the AGM - much appreciated!!

The Summer programme is being worked on and I will keep you informed of any outings planned.

Have a good week - weather is looking slightly better!!