


Good Afternoon Everyone

Last night was the AGM which brings the end to the 2023/24 season, except for the summer activities, which are being planned as we speak!! I will keep you informed by email and details will be put on the website - so keep an eye on the website for details. Please do read the minutes which I attach, there's some important/interesting info contained. It was a shame so few people attended, there was time to get together afterwards, which seems to happen so seldomly.

In the minutes, you will see that WDCC will be represented at the spring fair in Wellington Park on Sunday May 5th, there will be 63 stalls, entertainers etc so well worth a visit, (bearing in mind one of the competition themes)

A few other bits of info...

The WCPF Members' Exhibition opens at Magelake Hall - Uffculme EX15 3DP May 4th -May 6th 10:00 to 16:30 (13:00 to 16:30 on opening day). Presentations: May 4th 14:00 Magelake Hall, Uffculme, EX15 3DP

The Queens Room - Seale Hayne TQ12 6NQ (Near Newton Abbott) May 7th to May 17th 10:00 to 16:30

Several WDCC members have had images selected for the exhibition, both in the Print and Digital sections. It's rare for it to be so close to home, so I suggest a visit.

I didn't mention it last night, but this will be my last year on the committee and as Secretary. As many of you know, since I retired I have loved being able to visit new places. This was cut short in 2020 for obvious reasons. The club needed a secretary so I said I would step in while I was not able to travel. As things are now moving again, and I will be away more, it is time to let someone else 'pick up the reins'. So come what may, next year's AGM will be the last time I am on duty!! Many will say - about time. You've put up with my 'little mistakes' long enough!!

Hope to see you at one of the summer events and lets hope we get some summer!!