
Club night: Photo Challenge #3 - 'Easter'


Just a short (ish!) report today, battling with printer, lack of internet on my 'big' computer etc.

Last night a select group of us saw some images from members, roughly on the theme of Easter. Some of us had a better Easter than Diane, by the look of the photos of her flooded house, collapsed ceiling etc. We all hope she manages to get it sorted and dried out. Many thanks to the other members who showed some interesting images and some of us (me) who raised a laugh or two.

In the second half, Peter T showed us a set of images from his trips to Venice; some lovely images. It was a great way to end the evening, and many thanks to Peter.

Huw (competition secretary) has asked for suggestions for themes for next season's competitions. Please send any ideas to him at (or me) before our committee meeting on Tuesday evening, when themes will be finalised. If you would like any other topics raised and discussed by the committee, please let me know before then.

Next week is a zoom meeting when Peter Warne will take us through the challenging genre of Macro & Close-up photography. Attached are the notes that he has sent through, so I guess we ignore the date! It looks like it will be a full and informative talk.