
Club Night: Photo Challenge #1 - 'Inside Historical Buildings'


A big thank you to everyone who turned out on a cold evening to take part in and watch the Challenge Evening on the subject of 'Inside Historical Buildings'. About 10 members showed their images and talked about them. A very wide range of subjects and locations. We were taken to National Trust properties, numerous churches, cathedrals and a few temples. We also went to prisons and of course train sheds, stations etc. (I don't know proper name). I wonder who could have shown train related images!!? We went to all parts of Britain, we also went to Europe and India. A really interesting evening, I'm sure we all learnt something or heard about something that we had not heard of before. This type of evening relies on our members taking part by contributing, so an extra thank you to all who did.

Peter T told us that he had booked the White Horse at Bradford on Tone for our Christmas meal on Saturday January 13th. No menus are available as yet but will be circulated when they are. As parking is limited, Peter T is looking into the possibility of hiring a mini bus to transport us to the event.

Next week we have a Zoom meeting: 'There Be Dragons' and 'The Bosphorus End to End' by Judy and Mark Buckley-Sharp who entertain us with talks about their journeys to the lesser visited areas of Turkey.

Here is the Zoom link for this meeting as usual 7.15 for 7.30 on Wednesday 6 December

[link deleted on public webpage]p>

As you can see I am trialling including the link in my report, so that I'm not bombarding you with emails and it is one less thing for me to remember to do - or forget to do!!
Please look after this link, pin it, put it in a folder or flag it or something so that you will find it next Wednesday!!

Christopher Bowyer sent this - it might raise a few smiles on this cold morning!! Thanks Christopher. The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards winners ;-)

We all send our very best wishes to Max, our only remaining Founder Member, who is not feeling too well at the moment . Hope you feel better soon Max

Plans are in place for our Christmas get together on December 13th. We are running a 'Members' Favourite Photo' competition again this year, as we did last year. Please will everyone bring in their favourite photo of the year, not necessarily a competition image, just one that you like and that members might like. This can be of any size up to A4. It can be printed from a mobile phone, memory card or stick at Boots or somewhere like that if you do not have a printer and everyone will vote for their fav! Peter T has kindly offered to donated a bottle of wine to the winner. As usual, please do bring a plate of food to share if possible. I have heard rumours of a quiz??!!

I think that's the lot!! Stay warm and safe! and see you next week over Zoom