
November Competition

Good Morning Everyone

Last night was our November competition with the Themed Competition 'Local Urban Scene' and the Open. Quite a few members were unable to attend last night for various personal and family reasons! There were still plenty of members present to enjoy the evening.

There were more entries into the open than the themed section but both showed a range of subjects, some really good images in both sections. Our judge was Ian Bateman from Exmouth, a very experienced judge and photographer who gave a detailed critique on each image. He chose to give 'Highly Commended' to all of the remaining seven images after 1st, 2nd and 3rd places had been awarded from the 10 that he held back.

Open Competition
1st Rachel Carter - Gannets
2nd Rachel Carter- Common Blue Butterfly
3rd Martin Cumper - Serenity
HC Di Farnham - All Steamed Up
HC Steve Wilcox - Smokey Mountain
HC Huw Thomas - European Hornets
HC Chris Mowthorpe - Lone Tree
HC Nick Farnham- Bad Hair Day
HC Rachel Carter - Guillemot Flypast
HC Nick Farnham- May Queen

Themed Competition (Urban Local)
1st Polly Knowles - Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area (Wellington)
2nd Huw Thomas - Chilling and vaping (Wellington)
3rd Huw Thomas - Dapper Gent (Taunton)
HC Peter Elliston - Skyline (Taunton)
HC Polly Knowles - Shopping Frenzy (Taunton)
HC Steve Wilcox - Urban Decay (Bridgwater Docks)
HC Peter Elliston - Brutal Beauty (Taunton)
HC Huw Thomas - Bus Shelter Bottlebank (Wellington)
HC Peter Elliston - East Reach (Taunton)
HC Chris Mowthorpe - Wall Art (Weston super Mare)

Well done and thank you to everyone who entered and Congratulations to the winners and to Huw for having all 4 images held back. It's good (even if I say so myself!!) to see us 'Girls' taking first place in both sections. Our webmaster Paul is one of those suffering at the moment, I'm sure as soon as he feels up to it, the website will be updated with last night's results and the league table updated. I can however report that there is no change in the top 2 places!! (Me and Peter E!!). After that there has been some jockeying of positions, if anyone is dying to see the table - I can send a copy to them.

I think everyone could see the added attraction of prints compared to projected images and enjoyed being able to take a close look at the prints the end of the competition.

Many thanks to Dave Dagg who stepped into the breach to provide the refreshments when everyone else on the rota was unable to.

Diane reminded us that next week is one of our 'Challenges'. She asked that as many members as possible bring in about 6 images on a memory stick on the subject 'Inside an Historical Building'. Bring them in on a memory stick and have a brief chat about each one, when, why etc! Please let Diane or me know in advance that you will be bringing in some images. It's always interesting to look at images in a non competitive setting.

Peter T told us that he had been in contact with the Rumwell about our 'Seasonal Meal' and hoped to be able to report back next week; it is looking hopeful!

I hope all those who are suffering in one way or another and were unable to attend last night see an improvement to their situation.

Have a good week everyone and see you next week