
Mark & Judy Buckley-Sharp: 'The Bosphorus End to End' & 'There Be Dragons'


Last night we were joined by Judy and Mark Buckley Sharp, who spoke as a double act on their travels in Turkey, a place they clearly had a great affection for, having visited the area some 20 or more times. They spoke about the history, culture and people of the area, and illustrated the talk with many photos of building etc that they had visited. They were hoping that a friend/guide from Turkey would be joining us to help with some of the details, but this sadly didn't happen.

Next week - our last meeting is our Christmas Social evening! This will be a great opportunity to mix and speak (chat) to member. Peter E will be hosting a light hearted quiz, which is for teams of about 4. He says 'hopefully will be a bit of fun and not too difficult'

We are holding a Members' Vote Competition for a bottle of wine kindly donated by our Chair. Please bring in a print of a favourite image of yours ( not necessarily a competition standard photo) that you have taken/created this year. Members will then vote on their favourite. So please bring in a print, of any size up to A4, It can be printed from a memory card/ phone at somewhere like Boots, or by yourself of course. The more the better, we had some great ones submitted last year and it was a good bit of fun and a chance to submit a photo that you might not enter into a competition.

This will be our last meeting until Jan 3rd!

There will be refreshments, so please bring a plate of food to share.

Check list of what to bring next week!!
Pen/pencil for the quiz
Printed favourite image for members to vote on.
Plate of food for sharing
Sense of humour - most important!!!!

And of course yourselves!!

Look forward to seeing you next week