Standards And Governance
Wellington and District Camera Club Constitution
Wellington and District Camera Club Constitution
adopted: 26th April 2023
adopted: 26th April 2023
1. The club shall be known as the Wellington and District Camera Club.
2. The objective of the club is to encourage, create and develop an interest in all branches of photography.
3. The club shall be affiliated to the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) and thence to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB).
4. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in photography. The committee reserves the right of refusal of membership.
5. A committee, elected annually at the club Annual General Meeting (AGM), shall carry out the management of the club.
6. The committee shall consist of the following Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Programme Secretary, Competition Secretary and Webmaster plus up to three other members.
7. The committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the club business in an efficient manner; the presence of six committee members shall constitute a quorum. All decisions shall be made by a simple majority of those present, the Chair shall have an extra casting vote in the case of a tie. Sub-committee(s) may deal with specific matters as delegated by the full committee.
8. The committee may co-opt extra members to serve; such new members shall be confirmed at the next AGM.
9. Annual membership fees shall be proposed by the committee and agreed at the AGM and shall become due at the start of each club season. Only paid up full members shall enter club competitions and exhibit in the club’s name.
10. The club funds shall be managed by the Treasurer and held in a bank account; cheques shall be signed by two of three designated signatories.
11. The financial year shall run in tandem with the club year. Accounts shall be presented to the membership at the AGM and shall be audited annually by an independent person.
12. The club may hold competitions at some of its regular meetings during the season; the themes, frequency and rules for such competitions shall be decided by the committee and published on the club website. The club may participate in inter-club, WCPF and other competitions as decided by the committee.
13. The AGM shall be held at the last meeting of each club season. Members may propose motions for discussion and voting, such motions to be made in writing and sent to the Secretary at least two weeks before the AGM. Amendments to motions and nominations for officers may be proposed from the floor at the AGM. Motions and elections requiring a vote shall be decided on a simple majority, the Chair having a second, casting vote. One third of the paid-up membership shall constitute a quorum.
14. An Emergency General Meeting (EGM) shall be held if requested in writing by five club members. An EGM may also be called by the committee.
15. This constitution shall only be altered by a vote at the AGM or at an EGM.
16. On dissolution of the club, the remaining funds shall be donated to a charity nominated by the remaining club members at the time of dissolution. Any assets will be sold in accordance with those members wishes and the funds generated also given to charity.
2. The objective of the club is to encourage, create and develop an interest in all branches of photography.
3. The club shall be affiliated to the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) and thence to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB).
4. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in photography. The committee reserves the right of refusal of membership.
5. A committee, elected annually at the club Annual General Meeting (AGM), shall carry out the management of the club.
6. The committee shall consist of the following Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Programme Secretary, Competition Secretary and Webmaster plus up to three other members.
7. The committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the club business in an efficient manner; the presence of six committee members shall constitute a quorum. All decisions shall be made by a simple majority of those present, the Chair shall have an extra casting vote in the case of a tie. Sub-committee(s) may deal with specific matters as delegated by the full committee.
8. The committee may co-opt extra members to serve; such new members shall be confirmed at the next AGM.
9. Annual membership fees shall be proposed by the committee and agreed at the AGM and shall become due at the start of each club season. Only paid up full members shall enter club competitions and exhibit in the club’s name.
10. The club funds shall be managed by the Treasurer and held in a bank account; cheques shall be signed by two of three designated signatories.
11. The financial year shall run in tandem with the club year. Accounts shall be presented to the membership at the AGM and shall be audited annually by an independent person.
12. The club may hold competitions at some of its regular meetings during the season; the themes, frequency and rules for such competitions shall be decided by the committee and published on the club website. The club may participate in inter-club, WCPF and other competitions as decided by the committee.
13. The AGM shall be held at the last meeting of each club season. Members may propose motions for discussion and voting, such motions to be made in writing and sent to the Secretary at least two weeks before the AGM. Amendments to motions and nominations for officers may be proposed from the floor at the AGM. Motions and elections requiring a vote shall be decided on a simple majority, the Chair having a second, casting vote. One third of the paid-up membership shall constitute a quorum.
14. An Emergency General Meeting (EGM) shall be held if requested in writing by five club members. An EGM may also be called by the committee.
15. This constitution shall only be altered by a vote at the AGM or at an EGM.
16. On dissolution of the club, the remaining funds shall be donated to a charity nominated by the remaining club members at the time of dissolution. Any assets will be sold in accordance with those members wishes and the funds generated also given to charity.