
Stephen Dean: 'Creative'


Last night we had a talk over zoom on landscape and urban landscape photography by Stephen Dean, who has a particular interest in monochrome. In the programme the talk was entitled 'Creative' which was perhaps a bit misleading! But we were treated to probably hundreds of images from many genres, mainly Rural and Urban Landscapes, Architecture both modern and old, Seascapes and skyscapes (if that is a word!!) and Street Photography. He has an obvious love of mono but images also included some in full colour.

He is keen on capturing images that demonstrate interesting contrasts, form, shape and patterns. There were many great images, I found the mono ones in high contrast very effective. He seemed to be able to find interesting patterns in shadows everywhere!! I keep looking but don't see anything similar to those captured by Stephen. I found his urban landscapes particularly interesting. He likes to include people, often very small in the image, but in a strategic position. He is a master of juxtaposition, being able to place a light object with a dark background with the a dark object on a light background. Patterns in grass, clouds, buildings etc also featured. I found it a very interesting and stimulating talk illustrated with loads of images and shared information.

There were a few notices.

Our annual Battle with Chard Camera Club is next Thursday 15 February at Chard. We hope as many people as possible will be able to attend to support the club. A map of the location, Chard Baptist Hall, TA20 2AH is below.

I include an email from Peter E about the photo shoot at the Rawpics Studio near Ilminster on April 14th. Details as per previous email or contact Peter E directly -


Please can you give a message for me tomorrow and in your write-up about the photoshoot on April 14th.
Please can you say that there are only two places left now. If I do not hear from any other club members by the end of the week I will advertise it to other clubs and previous members of previous shoots. If club members want any more details please ask.
Best wishes

Next week - 14 Feb - is a face to face meeting at The Rugby Club, a talk and demonstration by our member Steve Wilcox who has recently qualified as a WCPF judge. Hopefully he'll take away the judging mystery and enlighten us all!!

It is also the hand in date for the prints for the February Competition - Themed is 'Colour' and the usual open , please also send in the pdi's of images to Huw before this date. WDCC Competitions - Full instructions are on the website.

Huw is having his knee op today - best wishes Huw from all of us for a speedy recovery and pain free rehab!!

Today is Richard Fox's funeral, details previously sent out - live streaming at 10.40 - but several members will be meeting at the Rugby Club at 1pm. I'm sure we will all be thinking of Richard today and the enormous part he played in Wellington's Community. He will certainly be missed by so many people.