
September Competition


Last night we had a fairly full house at the Rugby Club for our first competition of the season, themed 'Flowers and Gardens' and Open. Our judge was Peter Hyett ARPS, EFIAP from Exmouth who gave a careful and considered critique on each image. There were some great images, some unusual, some less unusual. It's difficult for me to comment, particularly in the themed as you will see from the results, but certainly the themed was one for the ladies!!

In the open, it seems that portraits and sports caught Peter's eye and wildlife didn't so much, but a wide range of subjects were covered and some images produced a little chuckle or smile.

The results were:

Themed - Flowers and Gardens
1st Polly Knowles - Delicate Colours of a Dahlia
2nd Polly Knowles - Dancing Decaying Tulips
3rd Diane Rowe - Spring Garden
HC Polly Knowles - Magnolia Bloom and Bud
HC Diane Rowe - Paeony Rockii
HC Diane Rowe - I Give You My Heart
TT Tony Gemmell - Giant Knapweed - Giant Bee
TT Nick Farnham - Nature Showing Off
TT Andrew Bosier - Sunflower Field

1st Peter Elliston - The Falconer
2nd Steve Wilcox - Ed
3rd Steve Wilcox - Max Braking
HC Steve Wilcox - Winter Morn
HC Martin Cumper - Grass Track
HC Diane Rowe - Banded Demoiselle Flying and Pupa
HC Ted Strawson - Reflections on Play
TT Rachel Carter - Hummingbird Hawk Moth Feeding on Salvia
TT Rachel Carter - Emperor Dragonfly
TT Peter Elliston - Everywhere That Mary Went

Congratulations to Diane who had all 4 of her images placed in the Top Ten.

Keep an eye on the website/Facebook page for the results and images to be published.

Next week is a Zoom meeting: Andrew Fusek-Peters - 'Wildlife and Landscape'. Superb wildlife and landscape photographer. Talk followed by Q&A and a little of why he is an OM System ambassador. His website is well worth a look, fab images!

Diane suggested we have a pen and paper handy to jot down any questions we have for the last part of the session.

Now that the September competition is done and dusted, It's time to think about the October one - 'Abstract' and Open.