
Christmas Social

Last night was our final get together of 2022 which was held at Wellington Rugby Club, which proved to be a very suitable venue - more of this in the new year!!!

Well done to everyone who braved the weather, it was great to be able to mingle and relax with members, with some food and frivolity. It was a shame that several people were suffering from a non covid bug and were unable to attend, although it was appreciated that they wanted to avoid spreading the bug around. A good array of Christmas jumpers were worn!

Paul gave us a taster of the amazing work he's been doing with the Club's archives, which raised a well deserved round of applause!

Peter E had managed to put together a fiendish Christmas Quiz from his 'sick bed'. Martin took over the job of quiz master and I think the power went to his head!! He kept us in control and only caused a few controversies, no blows were thrown!! It showed that for most of us, our knowledge of popular culture was sadly lacking. A Good fun quiz!!

There were a good range of Christmas cards on show by some creative members - the winner was chosen by Peter T 'because it was the most colourful', well done Nick. All in all, a successful conclusion to a great first half of the year.