
November Competitions

Good Morning Everyone. Last night was a competition with a difference and certainly got everyone thinking 'out of the box' particularly in the themed section - Abstract!!.

I was amazed how everyone 'rose to the occasion', the result was an eclectic mix of images, bursting with colour and originality - some truly amazing images that had our judge, Dr Wendy Allard, thinking hard about every image. Wendy had obviously spent a long time looking at our images, in both sections and gave some helpful advice, she handed out loads of praise but perhaps was a bit thin in constructive criticism, but that's only my opinion - and what do I know??!!

Huge congratulations to everyone who entered, to all who figured in the list of winners, special congrats to Nick Farnham who just about swept the board in the Abstract - undisputed King of Abstract!!

It did leave me a tad worried about the state of mind of many of our members!! All in all an Epic night!!